What are the Benefits of a Foot Massage


Is your job one that requires you to walk and use your feet all day? Or perhaps you enjoy shopping and running errands at home? Giving yourself a foot massage at the end of the day is not a bad idea! Your feet work hard all day and require the same care … Read more

The Ultimate Guide to Massage

The Ultimate Guide to Massage

The power of touch is undeniable, and it has the ability to change someone’s life for good. Here we are referring to massages (before you take it somewhere else *Wink*). Massages are good for just about anyone as several types of therapies are introduced to help us with different issues both physically … Read more

The Art of Foot Massage

Foot massage or Reflexology is a therapy that helps and heals congestion in other related parts of the body, through the feet. It also helps in maintaining and restoring your body’s natural equilibrium. However, you can’t cure any severe illness or a life-threatening medical disorder with reflexology.  According to the core belief … Read more