Great Things in Life Money Can’t Buy

Lots of people love to go shopping because buying and having new things makes them happy. However, those things can only give you temporary happiness. Sure, money can give you lots of materials things, but there are many other valuable things in life that you can get without spending money. Things that … Read more

Core Principles to Simplify Your Life

Many people dream of having a lot of things in life. A big house with a lot of furniture, a car, gadgets, appliances, designer clothes and bags, and more. That’s why they work hard, and some even take on a lot of jobs to achieve these goals. But there are also those … Read more

10 Ways to Improve Your Work-Life Balance Right Now

Most of us desire to succeed professionally, however, this can sometimes leave us forgetting about our own well-being. It’s because our work often takes over everything else in our lives. But to be able to improve your career health and as well as your physical, emotional, and mental health, you need to … Read more

10 Amazing Ways to Improve Your Well-Being

Well-being is our experience of health, happiness, and prosperity. When a person has good well-being, it means that he has good mental health, high life satisfaction, and a sense of meaning or purpose. In general, well-being is simply feeling well. A lot of people are looking into improving their well-being because it … Read more

10 Useful Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills

Time management pertains to a person’s ability to use his time effectively or productively, especially at work. Your time management skills are used to create processes and tools that will help increase your efficiency such as planning, scheduling, and delegating. When you develop and maintain good time management skills, you will find … Read more

Introduction to Minimalism

Minimalism is one of the words that we often hear these days. Many people have been talking about it and in fact, it even got its own documentary on Netflix. For a lot of people, minimalism is the trend that can save you money, boost your happiness, and save the environment as … Read more

Steps to Get Started on Minimalist Living

Minimalism is living intentionally with only the things that you truly need. It is being surrounded by fewer material items so that you will be able to do more with your time and life. It’s not about self-restriction but about liberation. It is about learning to be happier with less. It’s because … Read more