Tips for Getting Motivated at the Office

Tips for Getting Motivated at the Office

Some people find it quite easy to stay focused while working. But for others finding motivation can be challenging. It appears that those who are consistently inspired at work have mastered a variety of odd strategies to stay motivated. If you choose to use and commit to these techniques, they can rapidly … Read more

What is the Enneagram Personality Test?

Most certainly, you’ve heard of the Enneagram or perhaps been asked what type you are according to the Enneagram. It’s a well-liked personality test that may tell you a lot about who you are as a person both inside and outside of the office. The exam reveals the insecurities, motives, major personality … Read more

Tips for Taking a Break from Work at Your Home Office

Taking breaks is an essential part of working. It’s because part of working hard is knowing when to stop for a moment. Even if you are working from home, it is still important to take breaks, to feel mentally and physically refreshed and avoid burnout. In fact, studies have shown that people … Read more

Tips and Ideas for Inspiring a Colleague

A lot of jobs today require collaboration with fellow employees. This can actually help in accomplishing larger tasks or projects in a company. However, it can also be one of the most frustrating aspects of any work environment, especially when someone is not committed to the work, or if your workmates are … Read more

Tips for Becoming Unbusy

A lot of people today are complaining about how busy they are. Some people spend a lot of time at work, in school, doing household chores, and more. It’s just like “busy” is the new “fine” because when you ask somebody about how they are doing, most people would answer that they … Read more

Tips for Taking a Mental Break at Work

Everyone deals with stress when it comes to working. And aside from affecting our productivity at work, it can also impact our overall health and wellbeing negatively. This can include heavy workloads, bad relationships at work, and even lengthy commutes. Yes, stress is bad. However, coping with it can be daunting. But … Read more

When to Take a Mental Health Day at Work

Dealing with different levels of stress can be particularly difficult to manage, most especially for people who have symptoms of depression or anxiety. If you feel like you’ve been stressed at work for a long time, then maybe it’s time for you to take a quick break to reset. Maybe what you … Read more

How to Make a Bad Day at Work Less Horrible

Having a bad day at work happens to a lot of people. In fact, a majority of us might have experienced some bad days at work. There are times when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, or maybe there are lots of tasks you need to finish immediately, … Read more

Tips for Overcoming Procrastination

Procrastination is avoiding a task that is required to be accomplished by a certain deadline. It is an intentional delay of starting or finishing a task even if you know it might lead to negative consequences. Well, most people have possibly put off a task at some point in their life. In … Read more

10 Ways to Improve Your Work-Life Balance Right Now

Most of us desire to succeed professionally, however, this can sometimes leave us forgetting about our own well-being. It’s because our work often takes over everything else in our lives. But to be able to improve your career health and as well as your physical, emotional, and mental health, you need to … Read more

10 Creative Ways to Improve Your Attention to Detail at Work

Attention to detail is your ability to achieve thoroughness and accuracy when finishing a task. According to Steve Jobs, details matter and it is worth waiting to get it right. However, there are lots of people who are big-picture thinkers but have a low tolerance for details. It means that they are … Read more

7 Effective Ways to Improve Your Delegation Skills

Delegation is assigning specific tasks or activities to another person. It is usually from a manager to a subordinate, and this skill is one of the core concepts of management leadership. It means that the person who delegated the work will remain accountable for the outcome of the delegated task. Delegation is … Read more

11 Ways to Improve Your Productivity and Efficiency at Work

Having motivated and satisfied employees are key to business success. To do this, a company should maintain a happy work environment for everyone because that can increase people’s efficiency and productivity. However, these days, spending long hours in the office is not an uncommon sight. But you need to keep in mind … Read more

10 Useful Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills

Time management pertains to a person’s ability to use his time effectively or productively, especially at work. Your time management skills are used to create processes and tools that will help increase your efficiency such as planning, scheduling, and delegating. When you develop and maintain good time management skills, you will find … Read more