Tips for Supporting Someone Who Has to Be Physically Isolated

Whether your loved one is social distancing, self-quarantining, working in a different country, or just having a time-off from the city jam, it’s essential to keep connected and replace the physical contact that’s been taken away by the situation. Each one of us reacts to us to such a circumstance differently. No surprise, as we’re social beings who need to interact and share our lives with others.

If your family or friend happens to be in such a situation, supporting them is vital at all times. You might be uncertain how to help, but, there are a multitude of ways you can do so. To help you out, here are some tips on how you can support someone who has to be physically isolated.

Act natural.

People understand pity, and the last thing anyone wants to feel is being pitied or being considered as a charity case. As much as possible, make sure to do activities that you usually do. If you love to chit-chat about your favorite Netflix series, band or celebrity, make it a habit to do so. However, make sure that you don’t overload them with social calls, as that would only intensify any loneliness that they’re feeling. You can FaceTime with your friend or Snapchat your family member at the end of the day. That will be enough to make them feel valuable, and they would surely appreciate your presence.

Be A Good Listener.

Effectively listening to someone you love during this tough time, even through social media calls, can help them boost their morale. However, keep in mind that listening is more than merely hearing what the other person is saying. Whenever your loved one is saying something, don’t distract them and wait for your chance to speak. While you’re at it, make sure to concentrate, understand, and respond accordingly after what is being said.

Remember, any hint that you’re not into what they’re talking about can let them feel undervalued. Practice positive body language to show your interest. Nod when appropriate, maintain eye contact and smile if necessary. Never let them think that they’re a burden. Use active listening to make them feel that you’re with them in this challenging situation.

Help them set and achieve goals.

Making a goal and achieving them is undoubtedly satisfying, and it can uplift anyone’s feelings, especially in a tough time. If your family or friend has to be physically isolated, knowing what they want or things they want to conquer is an excellent way to help.

While you can’t do it for them, you can support or encourage them in their endeavors. Be it from practicing a new song, learning an original recipe, or doing an online exercise routine, a compliment, constructive feedback, or a simple ‘you can do it’ is enough to make them feel better in achieving these goals. That allows them to deviate from any loneliness they’re feeling and acquire new habits or skills. A win-win situation!

Pull off activities they love.

If someone is isolated, chances are they are not doing the things they love to do. So, remember activities that you can both do even if you’re not with each other physically.

Do they like basketball? There’s a lot of online hoops games that you can both play together. Perhaps, they love staying fit? Why not ask them to follow a Zumba lesson while on Skype? Are they reading a specific book? Ask them about what chapter they’re in and listen to what they’re about to stay.

Find ways to connect to them through activities they like, even if you can do it physically. That will undoubtedly cheer them up and uplift their spirits.

Let them be with non-humans.

Having a pet is comforting. Sure enough, experts say that human-animal connection provides therapeutic benefits, such as eliminating loneliness or stress reduction in time of isolation. Animals help us feel happier and become more relaxed.

If your family member or friend has a pet, encourage them to socialize with their furry buddies more often. They are genuine and provide affection that can quickly alleviate loneliness. If they don’t have one yet, ask them to visit the local shelter as they are many animals looking for foster homes. This option can be great if they aren’t prepared for permanent adoption yet. They might be surprised how a human companion can give them their much-needed boost.

Stay positive.

During this tough time, what a physically-isolated person needs are optimistic individuals they can draw their strength from. Remember, sadness and negativity can quickly infect other people like a disease. Being cynical yourself will not help and would only worsen the situation.

Always strive to be a positive influence. While this can be difficult given the circumstances that you’re in, doing so can turn things a hundredfold. Try to be an inspiration. Talk about the things that keep you positive and radiate joy.  Whenever the situation is starting to drift into negativity, inject them with cheerful thoughts, or at least reassuring ones. Happiness is infectious, spread it with others.


Being physically-isolated is undoubtedly a tough task. Make sure to always support people who are going through such a difficult time. Follow these tips and be a part of the kick they need, infect them with positivity, and help make their situation feel a little better.